New Print : Pathfinders II

In all sorts of ways we are searching for clarity and revelation. I've tried to picture this 'seeking out'. A few textures in different shaded blues make up the fill of the people and the plants, before the bolder line work (originally painted in ink) brings them together. The cut-out yellow which cuts across the composition fades away just out of the grasp of the figure who is trying to examine it.


The print is mostly prussian blues and blacks printed in some soft textures. The yellow, for a ray of light to print across the whole piece ended up being quite soft. Using a diluted pigment (and no white) enabled the colour to sit over the others and not obscure them but instead tint them on the paper.


New Print : ‘Show Me The Sun’


‘A Fine Mess’ 5-8 November at Deptford Does Art (Cancelled)