Deptford Parks Art Trail - Update


With the covid 19 outbreak has come massive setbacks and changes to many public projects. Regrettably the large redevelopment that the Deptford Parks Art Trail was going to be part of has been postponed until further notice.

It’s a big blow for Deptford residents, Lewisham council, and Sustrans who have been working closely together for a long time to establish what redevelopments would take place. The art trail however, which i’ve been workshopping, researching and designing for over a year, is still set to go ahead, so as the only current part of the project that will be realised in the near future it is no more important than ever that it is well planned and adds as much to the area as possible.


The original planned route of the trail would have followed the old canal way - since this is no longer being opened up, the route will follow a parallel street through Deptford Park itself. Luckily, most of the artworks can be adapted so they are relevant on this new altered section.


With a studio that has been unsafe to access and multiple suppliers and manufacturers out of action things have been a little slow, but now as we begin to exit lock-down things are beginning to take shape. The aluminium from which the artworks will be built has been cut, and the studio is currently covered in them. Slowly they are all being sanded, masked, primed and painted.


Deptford Parks Art Trail - Update II


Painting ‘Starmaker’